The answers you need to grow your B2B SaaS, customer-led and data-informed.

Forget best-practices.
Forget playbooks.
Forget guesswork.

What got you here won't get you there.
Get business-critical intel based your unique product and your unique customers that your team can act on.

Trusted by best-in-class SaaS brands

If you’re like most SaaS teams we work with, these struggles will hit home*

*Direct quotes from CEOs, Heads of Product, & Heads of Marketing we've worked with

We help you stop guessing and evolve your product & marketing with confidence

We work directly with your team to uncover:

  • 1. Who your best customers are
  • 2. What value they get from your product,  in their own words
  • 3. How you can action that  value across your customers’ experience

...So you can solve business-critical acquisition, activation, and retention problems.

Best for: SaaS product, marketing, & growth teams who need next year's results this year.

work with us

"Working with Claire & Gia was invaluable in identifying who our best customers are and how to reach and resonate with more of them. Working with them doesn’t just give you rich customer insights. It provides you with actionable steps to take, critical changes to make, content and processes to improve—all geared toward improving customers’ experience and increasing the value your product provides."

Who the heck are we?

Hi! We're Forget the Funnel. 👋 We created the Customer-Led Growth™ Framework. Then we wrote the book on it.
We're a boutique product marketing & growth consultancy. We can help your SaaS or subscription business drive more predictable, meaningful revenue through...

Differentiated positioning & messaging that helps your product cut through the noise
Reduced churn
Higher product adoption and long-term product engagement
Increased conversions along your customers' journey

Helping SaaS teams stop guessing & be more customer-led is our jam. ✨

Georgiana Laudi

Co-founder & CEO
Claire Suellentrop

Claire Suellentrop

Co-founder & COO

Heidi Kreis

Senior Insights Strategist

Gisell Paula

Success Manager

Claire Heginbotham

Insights Strategist

Beth Thouin

Fractional Growth Advisor

The Customer-Led Growth™ Framework is our proven, battle-tested method for predictable recurring revenue.

At its core, Customer-Led Growth™ is about uncovering what works for your best customers, then reverse-engineering their experience to acquire and retain more of them.

Here's what a few CEOs, Product & Marketing Execs say about it:

What Forget The Funnel did for us in one week would have taken us months to produce ourselves. I can't describe how brilliant it was not only having their guidance on our growth strategy, but also having them do the heavy lifting and handing us all the deliverables needed to execute on a silver platter. That's invaluable at this stage of building a business. Additionally, I'm excited that this work will help every single person in our organization -- including future hires -- understand how to communicate to our customers and prospects and help us grow.

The deliverables Forget The Funnel provides are really strong. The summary of the research is informative, as is the map of how our ideal customers engage with us. These resources are especially helpful as we rapidly bring on new team members.

"Working with Forget The Funnel doesn’t just give you rich customer insights. It provides you with actionable steps to take, critical changes to make, content, and processes to improve—all geared to improving customer’s experience and increasing the value your product provides.

My team paid tens of thousands of dollars to work with Forget The Funnel, and we earned every dollar back tenfold.”
