Thinking about Marketing-as-a-Product

April 17, 2019

(Coming Soon)

Margaret Kelsey

Director of Marketing at OpenView

As SaaS becomes an ever-more-crowded space, how can marketers ensure their products stand out in a sea of noisy, 'growth-hacky' tactics?

The answer may lie in re-thinking how you think about marketing.

In this workshop, Margaret Kelsey, Brand & Content Marketing Team Lead at Appcues, takes tried-and-true concepts from the Product Management & UX Design side of the house and reapplies them to marketing -- thus, the introduction of Marketing-as-a-Product.

Just as the best products are a joy to use, Margaret shares product design frameworks that marketers can borrow, to make their marketing campaigns & content a joy to read, watch, & share.

In Margaret's workshop, you'll learn...

  • How to improve the 'UX' of your marketing
  • How to find 'marketing-market fit' for your product
  • Why 'user-inclusivity' is so important


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Margaret Kelsey

Margaret creates, strategizes, and scales marketing programs—and teams—for B2B SaaS companies.

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