Getting Started with Account-Based Marketing for SaaS

April 24, 2019

(Coming Soon)

Kamil Rextin

General Manager & Operator at 42 Agency

When you hear the words Account Based Marketing (ABM), what comes to mind? Anything like this?

  • "Okay, but what IS account-based marketing, really? Is it like a channel? A tactic we should try next quarter?"
  • "I've heard a lot about ABM, but have no idea where to start with it."
  • "What-what-marketing?"

If any of those sound familiar, you're not alone. Unless you've already spent years in marketing for enterprise SaaS, the world of ABM can feel like a bit of a mystery.

Thankfully, Kamil Rextin has spent years in marketing for enterprise SaaS. And as the founder of Fourty Two Agency, he's helped plan and execute ABM strategies for dozens of SaaS companies targeting enterprise clients.

Put simply: he gets ABM. And today, he's here to break it down for you.

In this workshop, Kamil talks you through...

  1. The fundamental theory behind ABM (it's about quality vs quantity)
  2. A super helpful comparison of ABM vs Demand Gen
  3. The various types of ABM
  4. The potential challenges that come along with implementing an ABM framework (and how to overcome them, yay!)


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Kamil Rextin

Kamil is the General Manager & Operator of 42 Agency, a demand generation consulting + operations studio for SaaS companies. He started the team in 2018 after working in tech for the past 9 years with companies like Breather, Uberflip & CrowdRiff. He helps clients like Hubdoc, Flexday, Onfleet, & Mural with marketing technology & demand generation strategies.

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