Making a Customer Onboarding Plan for SaaS Marketers

February 28, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Trevor Hatfield

Founder at Inturact

Many SaaS marketers spend their days worrying about the top of the funnel: how do we get in front of more people? How do we attract more website visitors? How do we increase our signup rate?

But as you start making headway on these issues, another equally important problem arises: how do we activate these users, once they actually sign up?

Without a solid strategy for nurturing trial users through onboarding to becoming paying customers, all that fantastic work you did to drive awareness...was for nothing.

Which is why in this workshop, we're chatting with Trevor Hatfield, Founder & CEO of Inturact about How to Create a Laser-Focused Customer Onboarding Plan.

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Trevor Hatfield

As a SaaS growth and marketing strategist, Trevor founded Inturact — an integrated  SaaS Marketing Agency providing strategy, innovation, and the ability to execute on ideas. His team’s specialties cover B2B SaaS Growth Consulting & Product Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Growth Hacking, Web Design & Development, Content Marketing, Graphic Design, Analytics Tracking & Setup, Data Analysis and the entire SaaS Marketing Journey.

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Trevor Hatfield

As a SaaS growth and marketing strategist, Trevor founded Inturact — an integrated  SaaS Marketing Agency providing strategy, innovation, and the ability to execute on ideas. His team’s specialties cover B2B SaaS Growth Consulting & Product Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Growth Hacking, Web Design & Development, Content Marketing, Graphic Design, Analytics Tracking & Setup, Data Analysis and the entire SaaS Marketing Journey.

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February 28, 2018

(Coming Soon)

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