How & When to Build a SaaS Marketing Team

March 14, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Hana Abaza

Director of Marketing at Shopify Plus

This time last year, Hana Abaza was running a 3-person marketing team for Shopify Plus. One year later, that team is 20+ marketers strong.

In other words, Hana's spent a ton of time figuring out how to structure a great marketing department, and quickly scale her efforts beyond herself. In this workshop she's sharing the processes and frameworks she's used to grow her team so rapidly.


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Hana Abaza

Hana is all about marketing, growth, tech, and startups. She has a knack for communicating inspired tech solutions to mainstream audiences, resulting in more users and higher conversion rates across the board. She loves the entire marketing process, from product development to commercialization, and thrives most when working with cross-disciplinary teams to GSD.

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