Unlocking the Power of Google Analytics for SaaS

March 28, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Dana DiTomaso

President & Partner at Kick Point

"What's your dream SaaS report?"

This was Dana's question to us as she prepared for this workshop." Literally, in a perfect world, what's every data point you'd want to be able to track about your audience and customers?" So, we took her up on it: we put together a list of every single data point and interaction we, as SaaS marketers, wish we could track.

And then, our minds were blown...when Dana showed us how we could get all that information using just Google Analytics.

Whaaaaaaat? No joke: Dana in this workshop shows us how to put together a SaaS marketer's dream analytics dashboard, using only GA 😱If you're still trying to get your analytics setup in place (...aren't we all?), you'll 100% want to bookmark this one for future reference.


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Dana DiTomaso

Dana likes to impart wisdom. She is the President & Partner at Kick Point, where she applies marketing into strategies to grow clients’ businesses, in particular to ensure that digital and traditional play well together. Ten plus years in the industry means that Dana has seen it all. With her deep experience in digital, Dana can separate real solutions from wastes of time (and budget).

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