How to Create SEO Pages for SaaS That Convert

May 23, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Tiffany DaSilva

Growth Marketing Consultant & Founder at

If you oversee content creation at your company...are you creating only blog posts? Or have you added SEO pages to your strategy yet?

If SEO pages aren't already part of your marketing strategy — or if you're wondering, "what in the world is an SEO page?" — then this workshop is for you.

Our dear friend + SEO expert Tiffany DaSilva will show you 1) how SEO pages differ from blog posts, and more importantly, 2) how they can bring in heaps more product signups than blog posts, too.

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Tiffany DaSilva

Tiffany DaSilva has worked in all facets of digital marketing including SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing and conversion rate optimization over the course of 13 years. She was also a Director of Strategy at the digital marketing agency and her experience has exposed her to work on over 500 websites while managing multi-million dollar budgets.

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Tiffany DaSilva

Tiffany DaSilva has worked in all facets of digital marketing including SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing and conversion rate optimization over the course of 13 years. She was also a Director of Strategy at the digital marketing agency and her experience has exposed her to work on over 500 websites while managing multi-million dollar budgets.

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May 23, 2018

(Coming Soon)

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