How to Prove That Content Marketing Works for SaaS

August 21, 2019

(Coming Soon)

Jimmy Daly

VP of Growth at Animalz

When you're being asked to "put $1 in and get $2 out" with your marketing, proving the ROI of content marketing can be tough. Especially given that...

  • Content marketing takes time (lots of it)
  • It's hard to directly attribute leads to specific pieces of content
  • The executive team just wants to see some results already.

So how can you reliably prove to the rest of your company that your content marketing is working?

Thankfully, Jimmy Daly (longtime B2B SaaS content marketer, currently Marketing Director at Animalz) is here to share his team's exact process for doing just that.

In this workshop, Jimmy walks through — in great detail! — the top three ways to prove content marketing ROI. These include:

  1. Deciding what and how you'll measure
  2. Showing your work with great reporting
  3. Navigating company cultural challenges


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Jimmy Daly

Jimmy is a longtime B2B content marketer. He previously ran content marketing for Vero, QuickBooks and even advised Fortune 500 companies. Jimmy is currently the VP of Growth at a startup agency called Animalz that provides high-end content marketing solutions to SaaS, tech and crypto companies. He pays close attention to the questions he gets from prospects and turns each of those questions into an article on the Animalz blog.

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