Making SaaS Marketers’ Data & Tools Suck Less

December 5, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Ed Fry

Growth at Paddle

Customer data is the lifeblood of every customer-facing team. Without customer data, you as a marketer are essentially powerless to create experiences that convert people into happy customers.

But in nearly every organization, everywhere...the customer data being collected is incomplete.

Or, it's spread across 20 different tools that don't talk to each other very well.

OR, it's siloed -- locked up within separate departments and difficult for other teams to access.

Every SaaS company, at every stage of growth, struggles with at least one of these problems. So as a marketer, how do you...

  • Identify the essential customer data you really need?
  • Get your data flowing between tools in a way that makes sense (and doesn't create a huge mess)?
  • Actually use that data to drive intelligent, effective campaigns?

Thankfully, Ed Fry (Growth at has an excellent framework to help you get started 🙏 🙏

Now, we're not gonna lie: this topic is DENSE. As in, we recommend watching Ed's workshop once to get the gist...and then coming back to it a few days later for a second watch & notetaking.

By the end, not only will you be able to hold intelligent conversations with your engineering team about how to better orchestrate all your company's tools and data....You'll also know how having better data helps you become an artist

🎨...You'll have to watch to find out what we mean 🤓


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Ed Fry

Ed Fry is 'Ed of Growth' at Paddle, and was previously employee #1 at (acquired by HubSpot) and at He's a creative, Data-Driven Marketer with a career-long connection to the martech industry, and a deep working knowledge of content & data operations behind growth strategies.

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