Optimizing Your SaaS Website with Qualitative Research & Usability Basics

December 12, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Els Aerts

Co-founder of AGConsult

So here's the thing: everyone thinks they know who's coming to their website.

But most of us don't really know. Even really, really smart people don't always know — like the team behind famed Wordpress SEO plugin Yoast, who Els Aerts (co-founder, AG Consult) helped with conversion rate optimization.

What she taught Yoast — and what she'll teach you in this workshop — sounds like elementary stuff. But it's pretty shocking how many of us forget these crucial basics when writing content for, and designing, our websites.

If you'd appreciate highly actionable ideas for improving the conversion rate on your website...And if you have a sense of humor (because Els is as highly entertaining as she is knowledgeable)...Then you'll love this workshop.


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Els Aerts

Els is an international keynote speaker on user research, usability, and conversion optimization. Praised for her no-bullsh*t personality, experience, and overall stage performance. She’s the Co-founder of AGConsult, a Belgium-based CRO company.

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