Template: Analytics Spec Sheet [Google Sheet]

August 29, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Dan McGaw

CEO & Founder of Effin Amazing and UTM.io

Use this analytics spec sheet template (from marketing agency Effin' Amazing) to plan the structure and taxonomy of the data you need to track, so your team can actually use and pull insights from your analytics tools.

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Dan McGaw

Dan McGaw is an award-winning entrepreneur and speaker. He is also the Founder and CMO of Effin Amazing, an analytics and marketing consultancy that helps product and marketing teams get data driven and optimize their businesses. Coined as one of the original growth hackers, he has led the teams at Kissmetrics.com and CodeSchool.com. In 2015, Dan was selected to be a United States Ambassador of Entrepreneurship by the United State State Department, where he had the privilege to advise universities, governments and private corporations on how to build entrepreneur ecosystems.

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Dan McGaw

Dan McGaw is an award-winning entrepreneur and speaker. He is also the Founder and CMO of Effin Amazing, an analytics and marketing consultancy that helps product and marketing teams get data driven and optimize their businesses. Coined as one of the original growth hackers, he has led the teams at Kissmetrics.com and CodeSchool.com. In 2015, Dan was selected to be a United States Ambassador of Entrepreneurship by the United State State Department, where he had the privilege to advise universities, governments and private corporations on how to build entrepreneur ecosystems.

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August 29, 2018

(Coming Soon)

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