How to Ace Your First 90 Days as Marketer #1 at a SaaS Company

March 20, 2019

(Coming Soon)

Corey Haines

Head of Growth at Baremetrics

Being hired as Marketer #1 (Head of, Director of, the list goes on) for a SaaS company is no small accomplishment. But once you're in your new role, where the heck do you even start? There's serious pressure to succeed, and it might feel like you need to deliver RIGHT AWAY. As Marketer #1, you also might feel like you're on a bit of an island, taking on a whole new endeavor on your own.

Corey Haines has firsthand experience in this EXACT situation. Recently, he was hired as Head of Growth at Baremetrics, and he was suddenly tasked with not only executing but leading a cross-functional team as well. His trial-by-fire success has led him to document a strategy for anyone else hired in a similar position, to help you avoid some of the hard lessons he learned and to get up-to-speed and settled into your new role as quickly as possible.

In this workshop, Corey shares his insights and advice for how to ace your first 90 days as Marketer #1 at a SaaS company — outlining his "learned from experience" strategy from day 0 to day 90.


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Corey Haines

Corey is the Head of Growth at Baremetrics, a tool for SaaS & subscription companies to get the metrics, forecasting, and equipping businesses with the tools they need to grow. He is also a proud pug owner and nerd for all things growth marketing, entrepreneurship, and software. Corey's mission is to help bootstrapped & funded SaaS companies with marketing to drive real, sustainable growth.

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