How to Capture, Share and Cash In on Customer Success Stories

November 14, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Joel Klettke

Founder & Partner at Case Study Buddy

If there's one type of content that really delivers bang for your buck, it's case studies.

You can leverage a single case study at every stage of your customers' buying journey — from generating awareness, to creating interest, all the way to the purchase (and even new user activation) stages.

The trick is developing the right strategy for collecting and leveraging your case studies — and this is where most of us go wrong. We interview a customer, write up the case study....and then it sits around, relegated to one lonely page of the website, gathering dust.

Thankfully, Joel Klettke (conversion copywriter & founder of Case Study Buddy) knows a thing or two about case study strategy.

In this workshop, he shares his exact blueprint for planning, publishing, and promoting top-notch case studies. You'll learn...

  • How to get your boss's buy-in
  • How to set the strategy
  • How to get customers to say yes to interviews
  • How to repurpose your case study material in dozens of different ways
  • Real-world examples of case studies being used at every stage of the buying journey


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Joel Klettke

Joel is a conversion copywriter and the founder at Case Study Buddy. He helps funded, fast-growing SaaS and B2B companies convert more visitors into leads and sales with copy that makes apathy impossible. Past clients include HubSpot (2x conversions), Deputy (2x opt-ins for highest-converting funnel), and WP Engine.

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