[Live Replay] How to Connect Customer Value to SaaS Revenue Growth

December 16, 2020

(Coming Soon)

Georgiana Laudi & Claire Suellentrop

Forget The Funnel

You probably know that helping your customers reach their goals pays dividends towards you reaching yours...but we can so easily fall prey to relying on lagging indicators of success when goal-setting, rather than focusing on the leading indicator metrics that best ensure goals are actually reached.

That's why this Q&A was all about helping you connect the dots between your customers getting value from their relationship with you 🤜🤛  to revenue. 💵

During this live Q&A, we shared the specific growth modeling spreadsheet we use to help SaaS teams connect their performance to KPIs that demonstrate customer value.

We then walked through...

  • How to run a "health check" on where customers are (or are not) getting appropriate value in their experience with a SaaS company
  • How to set specific growth targets to improve the customer experience, and to demonstrate how those targets lead to an increase in revenue
  • How to use this sheet as a communication tool for getting aligned with your stakeholders on priorities and budget


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Georgiana Laudi & Claire Suellentrop

When it comes to growing multi-million dollar SaaS businesses, we’ve seen what works. Both separately and together, we've built best-in-class brands from the ground up and played key roles in revenue growth. While our background stories may differ — Gia’s a Canadian who’s been marketing since 2000; Claire’s an American whose marketing career began in 2012 — we’re united in wanting to support those growing SaaS companies, and to provide resources they need to step up as strategic leaders. You can learn more about us here.

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