Marketing at Multi-Product Companies Without Multitasking

November 28, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Fadeke Adegbuyi

Marketing Manager of Social Media & Content at Doist

Staying focused is tough enough when you're in charge of marketing for just one product. After all, you're probably...

  • Testing different marketing channels at each phase of your customer's journey
  • Using different messaging for your various customer segments
  • Fielding endless new ideas from teammates and execs ("Why aren't we doing webinars?" "We should try LinkedIn ads." "What about getting a booth at this trade show?")

Now, multiply that chaos by two or three products! 🤯 As a marketer, how can you possibly stay productive in a multi-product environment?

Thankfully, Fadeke Adeguyi is here to help you out. She manages social media & content for Doist: the parent company of both Todoist and Twist — meaning she and her team are responsible for not one, not two, but three different brands.

Fadeke shares the 4 strategies she and her team members use to maintain focus within a multi-product org, plus some kickass frameworks and templates to help you do the same.


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Fadeke Adegbuyi

Fadeke is the Marketing Manager of Social Media & Content at Doist, the creators of Todoist and Twist. She takes a user-driven approach to content strategy and crafts micro and long-form content about productivity, remote work, and team communication. Passionate about the intersection between humans and technology, she's often perusing blogs and Twitter threads for the latest on thoughtful startups, the future of work, and viral memes.

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