Strategic Planning for Customer-Led SaaS Marketing & Growth

October 23, 2019

(Coming Soon)

Georgiana Laudi & Claire Suellentrop

Forget The Funnel

Is your team in planning mode yet? 'Tis the season, after all 🗓⏱😱

But if you're like most marketers we speak with, taking time for big-picture planning might feel abstract and/or out of reach (who has the time?) In our recent conversations with Forget The Funnel community members, we've heard struggles like...

"I started with a new company a few months ago and have only had time to execute the tactics to keep things status quo. I have had no time to get the foundation done."

"After 14 years in marketing, I've found myself in more and more situations where marketing is merely a "hack-me-a-lead" machine. Strategy is secondary (if present at all)."

Thankfully, yesterday's workshop was all about...

  • Prioritizing opportunities, when dozens of projects all feel important
  • Drafting a strategy & plan of action your leadership team can buy in on
  • How to hold yourself accountable to your plan in the future months, even amidst the chaos of executing

Plus, we shared tons of templates and extra resources to help guide you :)


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Georgiana Laudi & Claire Suellentrop

When it comes to growing multi-million dollar SaaS businesses, we’ve seen what works. Both separately and together, we've built best-in-class brands from the ground up and played key roles in revenue growth. While our background stories may differ — Gia’s a Canadian who’s been marketing since 2000; Claire’s an American whose marketing career began in 2012 — we’re united in wanting to support those growing SaaS companies, and to provide resources they need to step up as strategic leaders. You can learn more about us here.

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