Template: Justine Jordan's Campaign Brief Template [Dropbox Paper]

January 6, 2021

(Coming Soon)

Justine Jordan

Head of Marketing at Wildbit

Similar to Forget The Funnel's own SaaS marketing campaign brief template, this campaign brief template from Justine Jordan will help you think through the most important details of your campaign, including who the decision makers are, how the campaign aligns with company objectives, the campaign goal, impact, risks, and how cross-departmental teams will be involved.

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Justine Jordan

Justine is a different kind of marketer who eschews traditional short-term tactics and favors long-term sustainable results. With deep expertise in design, brand, content, event, and email marketing (she was named “Email Marketing Thought Leader of the Year” by the DMA in 2015), she’s grown along teams as Manager of Design Solutions for ExactTarget (now Salesforce Marketing Cloud), VP of Marketing at Litmus, and CMO at Help Scout. She cares deeply about creating aspirational brands, advocating and empowering practitioners in their trades, and creating customer-first interactions that ultimately drive loyalty, community, and evangelism.

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Justine Jordan

Justine is a different kind of marketer who eschews traditional short-term tactics and favors long-term sustainable results. With deep expertise in design, brand, content, event, and email marketing (she was named “Email Marketing Thought Leader of the Year” by the DMA in 2015), she’s grown along teams as Manager of Design Solutions for ExactTarget (now Salesforce Marketing Cloud), VP of Marketing at Litmus, and CMO at Help Scout. She cares deeply about creating aspirational brands, advocating and empowering practitioners in their trades, and creating customer-first interactions that ultimately drive loyalty, community, and evangelism.

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January 6, 2021

(Coming Soon)

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