The more marketers we talk to & SaaS companies we work with, the more we realize: product marketing is still kinda the Wild West of SaaS.Even senior leaders — CEOs, VPs of Marketing — struggle to define...
- Which department product marketing falls under (Product? Marketing? it's own?)
- Whether or not it should be someone's full-time job
- Where product management stops, and product marketing begins
And if these details haven't been defined at your company, you're looking at a bunch of headaches — and lots of room for miscommunication between the marketing <> product teams.In this live workshop, we offered a breakdown of what product marketing might look like, depending on...
- The size of your company
- The complexity of your product
- The complexity of the market / landscape you're in
We also built you a handy cheat sheet of common product development release phases, so you can start a conversation with your product team and work together to define how marketing + product can complement (not combat) each other.