The Most Valuable SaaS Customer Everyone Forgets

May 15, 2019

(Coming Soon)

Val Geisler

CEO at Fix My Churn

Let's say you're tasked with growing your company's MRR...but you're feeling completely overwhelmed at the thought of doing more TOFU (top-of-funnel) stuff.

After all, driving more traffic & signups each month probably requires more money, and/or more time, and/or more people than you have available. 😩 So what's a strapped SaaS marketer supposed to do, to move the needle on MRR

Thankfully, Val Geisler's got your back. Val is a seasoned SaaS email marketing strategist — and in this workshop, she's sharing some of her tried-and-true methods for...

  • Increasing the LTV of your paying, but least-engaged (read: most likely to churn) customers
  • Winning back cancelled customers

After all, if the probability of selling to a new customer is between 5-20%, while selling to your existing customers is upwards of 60% (!) — then isn't tending to your current & past customers a no-brainer?

Do yourself a favor: watch Val's workshop to see how you could grow your company's MRR, without hunting for new customers.


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Val Geisler

Val works with brands that focus on Monthly Recurring Revenue. This email geek writes weekly unabashed onboarding sequence tear-downs. She uses the power of email to ensure 3 things: (1) Casual visitors are converted to happy customers; (2) A steady stream of revenue is generated every month, week, and day; and (3) Customer retention goes up and churn goes down. Val helps B2C businesses do big things by increasing trial conversions and reducing churn. The last onboarding emails she re-wrote saw a 209% increase in conversions. No joke! As per Val, “It moves the needle in ways you can see immediately.”

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